We all know how important a website is for a business. Almost every business, whether local, global or non-profit needs an online presence to reach potential customers. A company’s website is its virtual storefront.
A recent survey reported that up to 40% of small-to-medium sized businesses still don’t have a website. Even if you are on social media, operating without a website is just not good for your business. A website is an essential part of your online marketing strategy.
Whether you are looking to build your first website, or if your existing site just isn’t getting the traffic or leads you were hoping for, you may wonder what it really takes to have a great website.
Having a website alone isn’t the key to great results. Also, having a website will not guarantee that customers will fall from the sky. A website needs to not just exist. It needs to perform. It needs to attract visitors, educate them and convince them to buy.
One of the most important things a website need to have is reliable website hosting services. Your website needs a fast and reliable web hosting provider. A provider that can answer all your questions and provide those answers in a understandable way. Here at Froggy Hosting, our main goal is to provide the best quality services to our customers. Services that go from domain registration and web hosting to complete web design and e-commerce implementation.
All of our hosting packages support all the latest CMS scripts like WordPress, Joomla, Drupal and many others. We have a hosting package for every need.
Don’t know how to create a website? We will help you with that too! Our design services come with a complete set of features.
You have a business, we have the tools. It is still not too late to have great website.